Alleghany Highlands Arts Council
Presents Roanoke Symphony Orchestra Holiday Pops
December 6, 2021, 7 PM
General Seating Adults $20, Students $5 (Plus $2.50 Restoration Fee: $2.50 Ticket Fee to be added at checkout)
” The Alleghany Highlands Arts Council reopens its Performing Arts Series with the beloved local tradition, Roanoke Symphony Holiday Pops. Fifty musicians, a guest soloist, and the incomparable Maestro David Wiley will fill the hall with the jubilant spirit of the holidays. Expect classical and traditional favorites, a Rock and Roll Santa, and the usual audience sing-along. This mix of expert musicianship and exuberant energy, combined with the familiar format will signal the end of pandemic gloom and the return of a more normal holiday season.
Let’s Celebrate!”
With heightened concerns of COVID variants, the Arts Council is making an addendum to their policy for Monday night’s Roanoke Symphony Holiday Pops concert at the Historic Masonic Theatre. In addition to the general statement strongly suggesting the wearing of masks, the balcony section will be reserved for only those choosing to wear a mask through the entire performance. Anyone entering the balcony will agree to keep their mask in place for the duration of the event.
Here's the info you need to know:
7:00 pm
Historic Masonic Theatre
510 Main Street
Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Call for more details on Alleghany Highlands Arts Council Presents Roanoke Symphony Orchestra Holiday Pops