The Historic Masonic Theatre
Alleghany Theatre Works
2019 – 2020 Classes
We are proud to introduce our educational theater program, Alleghany Theatre Works (ATW). We created ATW to give creative kids a place to learn, explore, and perform. Throughout the year, we’ll offer ongoing classes and performance opportunities for elementary, middle, and high school-aged actors. ATW is overseen by former English and theater educator, Donna Beirne, and features a core group of experienced educators, technicians, and directors.
Curtain Call II with Jacy Burdette
(Ages 10 – 14) A continuation of Curtain Call I, students will sharpen their theatrical skills including improvisation, how to record and implement stage blocking, developing a character for a production, warming up body and voice for performance, rehearsing and publicly performing a play, directing others in small performance pieces, playwriting, understanding the role of the stage manager, and how to use costumes, makeup, props and set to enhance a performance
Class Length: 1 class per week, 8 weeks, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Thursdays: Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 5, Mar 12
Showcase on Mar 14 at 1:00 PM
Prerequisite: Curtain Call I or by Audition
Cost: $130
A native of the Alleghany Highlands, Jacy Burdette is an award-winning director and theater educator. Having earned her theater degree from the University of Virginia at Wise, Jacy has directed numerous plays including The Yellow Boat, which won the Virginia One-Act State Championship,. In the summer of 2018, Jacy worked at a Governor’s school in Virginia where high school students earn college credits teaching theatre to high school students. She developed and implemented a theatre arts curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school students. She has worked with numerous elementary age children, many of whom are disadvantaged or who have special needs. In her instruction, Jacy uses the three basic building blocks of theatre – the body, the voice, and the imagination to help students become the best they can be. Jacy brings her passion and her love of theatre and all its possibilities to the Historic Masonic Theatre.
(Want to get involved with ATW as a director, instructor, assistant or technician? Simply drop us a DM on our FB page or email us at info@historicmasonictheatre.com)
Here's the info you need to know:
5:30 pm
Historic Masonic Theatre
510 Main Street
Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Call for more details on Curtain Call II