Flag Day Celebration at the Masonic Amphitheatre
Friday, June 14th, 2019 – 5:30 pm
Historic Masonic Theatre and Masonic Amphitheatre
The Stars and Stripes Celebration Committee of Clifton Forge Main Street is excited to announce this year’s 243rd Nation’s Birthday events.
We will kick off our patriotic celebration with a Flag Day Ceremony, June 14th, at 5:30 pm at the Masonic Amphitheatre. Included in the ceremony will be flag presentations by Boy Scout Troop #2, Girl Scout Troup # 699, and Clifton Forge VFW posts #4299 and #1033. In addition there will be patriotic music and a benefit picnic supper with birthday cake. Everyone is invited to this very special occasion.
We urge you to bring children to this event. It’s a great opportunity for them to be reminded of the importance of our nation’s flag.
This events kicks off The Town of Clifton Forge’s Stars and Strips Celebration culminating on July 4th.
Flag Day Etiquette
Here's the info you need to know:
5:30 pm
Historic Masonic Theatre
510 Main Street
Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Call for more details on Flag Day Celebration 2019