The Historic Masonic Theatre is once again grateful to international quiltmaker, designer, author and precision piecer, Kaye England for donating “The Road Home” quilt for raffle. “The Road Home”, designed and pieced by Kaye, features Wilmington Batiks in beautiful blues, serene grays and almost white. It is perfect for a 89″ queen quilt with its calming “gender neutral” color scheme. The square set blocks include variations of log cabin style construction, half square triangle blocks, geese, diamond in a square and X blocks with both traditional and stitch and flip corner triangles.
Raffle tickets sell for $5.00 each or six for $25.oo and may be purchased from Theatre Board members, before or after Theatre events or online.
The winning ticket will be drawn on March 8, 2024
To purchase tickets, please Click Here or call (540) 862-5655 Wednesday-Friday 10-3 EST
Here's the info you need to know:
1:00 am
Historic Masonic Theatre
510 Main Street
Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Call for more details on Kaye England’s “The Road Home” Quilt Raffle