Open Rehearsal Showing FREE! All ages welcome! Friday, Aug 16 at 5pm@ The Historic Masonic Theatre
Cora Dance and The Historic Masonic Theatre are excited to announce a new collaboration, providing residencies for emerging dance artists to incubate and develop work. Selected artists receive rehearsal space in the Masonic Theatre, professional development support and guidance from CoraDance Artistic Director Shannon Hummel, and residency/housing support from Cora Dance. Our first artist is Cora’s own Nikki Assanti who is developing her new duet Ambiguous Grief, with dancers Shannon Healey and Daniel Morimoto. Nikki and the Noise is a Brooklyn-based contemporary dance company founded and directed by Nikki Assanti. Assanti creates highly physical, visceral choreography and builds community through original classes, workshops, and self-produced performances. N+N has performed in many New York City venues and is excited to share her work with the Alleghany Highlands community! Visit their website atwww.nikkiandthenoise.com for more information and follow their work on IG at @nikkiandthenoise. Stop by the Masonic on Friday, Aug 16 at 5pm to watch an open rehearsal and hear more about Nikki and the Noise. For info, email cda_info@coradance.org or call (540) 862–5655.
Photo of Shannon Healy and Daniel Morimoto in Ambiguous Grief by Nikki Assanti. Photo by Steven Pisano.
Here's the info you need to know:
5:00 pm
Historic Masonic Theatre
510 Main Street
Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Call for more details on Nikki and the Noise Preview