Friday, April 4, 7pm
The Key West Band was in continuous operation from May 1993 until the end of 2018 as one of America’s first “Trop-Rock” bands. They performed in twenty states and on three cruise ships. On Labor Day weekend in 2023, the Trop-Rock community was shocked by the death of Jimmy Buffett, the father of Trop-Rock. Within twenty-four hours, promoters were contacting the band begging that they reform. They not only restarted the band but came back bigger, stronger, and better than ever before. Using their long-standing relationship with members of Jimmy’s Coral Reefer Band they brought back some of the Reefers who had previously performed with Key West as well as top names in the Trop Rock community who had also performed with Key West.
Plan on hearing all of the Jimmy Buffett favorites along with a few “deep cuts” that will surprise and thrill the hardcore Parrotheads. Jimmy’s club manager himself once said at a Key West performance in the town of Key West, “Nobody does Buffett as well as you guys”. Catch a show and you’ll see what he meant. Jimmy himself would be proud of the band.
Here's the info you need to know:
7:00 pm
Historic Masonic Theatre
510 Main Street
Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Call for more details on The Key West Band